Pattern of doctrine index: Difference between revisions
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God speaks to us in a propositional way which is reproducible and verifiable. | God speaks to us in a propositional way which is reproducible and verifiable. | ||
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* '''Joseph and His Brothers''': Joseph is rejected and sold into slavery by his brothers. | * '''Joseph and His Brothers''': Joseph is rejected and sold into slavery by his brothers. | ||
'''Sensus Plenior Insight''': These conflicts highlight spiritual truths about Christ | '''Sensus Plenior Insight''': These conflicts highlight spiritual truths about Christ and the church, where we have been enemies of Christ.(Romans 5:10) | ||
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* '''Manna in the Wilderness''': Feeding of Israel with bread from heaven (Exodus 16). | * '''Manna in the Wilderness''': Feeding of Israel with bread from heaven (Exodus 16). | ||
* '''Feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000''': Jesus miraculously feeds multitudes with bread and fish (Matthew 14, Matthew 15). | * '''Feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000''': Jesus miraculously feeds multitudes with bread and fish (Matthew 14, Matthew 15). | ||
* '''Wife learns from her husband''': Paul declares that Christ teaches the church (1 Corinthians 14:35) | |||
'''Sensus Plenior Insight''': These emphasize | '''Sensus Plenior Insight''': These emphasize that we learn (eat) from the cross (bread as his body) as gift from the father. | ||
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* '''Jordan River''': Joshua parts the river for Israel to enter the Promised Land (Joshua 3). | * '''Jordan River''': Joshua parts the river for Israel to enter the Promised Land (Joshua 3). | ||
'''Sensus Plenior Insight''': Water parting symbolizes God's salvation and Christ's role in | '''Sensus Plenior Insight''': Water parting symbolizes God's salvation and Christ's role in separating and reconciling judgement and mercy. | ||
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* '''Jesus' Promise to Nathanael''': Refers to angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man (John 1:51). | * '''Jesus' Promise to Nathanael''': Refers to angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man (John 1:51). | ||
'''Sensus Plenior Insight''': Both reveal Christ as the ultimate bridge between heaven and earth. | '''Sensus Plenior Insight''': Both reveal Christ as the ultimate bridge (the support 'completed in flesh and spirit' סם of teaching ל) between heaven and earth. | ||
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Latest revision as of 17:43, 27 March 2025
God speaks to us in a propositional way which is reproducible and verifiable.
- 1. He gets your attention with a pattern.
- 2. He clarifies it in Christ.
- 3. He speaks to you from it.
- 1. There are at least six women who could not have children without the Spirit.
- 2. The message is clarified in the virgin birth.
- 3. He tells you that you are born of the Spirit when born again and that you are not fruitful without the Spirit.
This is a list of starter ideas to see if God will speak to you.
1. Brothers in Conflict
- Cain and Abel: The first conflict between brothers.
- Jacob and Esau: Struggle for the birthright and blessing.
- Joseph and His Brothers: Joseph is rejected and sold into slavery by his brothers.
Sensus Plenior Insight: These conflicts highlight spiritual truths about Christ and the church, where we have been enemies of Christ.(Romans 5:10)
2. Miraculous Feeding
- Manna in the Wilderness: Feeding of Israel with bread from heaven (Exodus 16).
- Feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000: Jesus miraculously feeds multitudes with bread and fish (Matthew 14, Matthew 15).
- Wife learns from her husband: Paul declares that Christ teaches the church (1 Corinthians 14:35)
Sensus Plenior Insight: These emphasize that we learn (eat) from the cross (bread as his body) as gift from the father.
3. Water from a Rock
- At Horeb: Moses strikes the rock (Exodus 17:6).
- At Kadesh: Moses strikes the rock again (Numbers 20:11).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The rock represents Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4), he is struck twice to produce the fullness of the Word.
4. Prophets Miraculously Providing for Widows
- Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath: A jar of flour and oil do not run out (1 Kings 17).
- Elisha and the Widow's Oil: Oil fills many jars (2 Kings 4).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These stories prefigure the cross (flour as pre-bread) and oil as divine.
5. Parting of Waters
- Red Sea: Moses parts the sea for Israel to escape Egypt (Exodus 14).
- Jordan River: Joshua parts the river for Israel to enter the Promised Land (Joshua 3).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Water parting symbolizes God's salvation and Christ's role in separating and reconciling judgement and mercy.
6. Ladders or Paths to Heaven
- Jacob’s Ladder: A vision of angels ascending and descending (Genesis 28).
- Jesus' Promise to Nathanael: Refers to angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man (John 1:51).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Both reveal Christ as the ultimate bridge (the support 'completed in flesh and spirit' סם of teaching ל) between heaven and earth.
7. God’s Voice at a Mountain
- Mount Sinai: God speaks to Moses amid fire and smoke (Exodus 19).
- Mount of Transfiguration: God speaks about Jesus' identity (Matthew 17).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These emphasize God's revelation of His covenant and His Son.
8. Birth Announcements by Angels
- Isaac: Promised to Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18).
- Samson: Promised to Manoah's wife (Judges 13).
- John the Baptist: Promised to Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1).
- Jesus: Announced to Mary (Luke 1).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These point to Christ as the ultimate promised child, bringing salvation to the world.
9. Journeys to Egypt
- Abraham: Goes to Egypt during famine (Genesis 12).
- Jacob: Moves to Egypt with his family (Genesis 46).
- Jesus: Taken to Egypt to escape Herod (Matthew 2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Egypt symbolizes the world, with these journeys reflecting Christ’s temporary submission to worldly circumstances to accomplish redemption.
10. 40-Day Periods
- Moses on Sinai: 40 days receiving the Law (Exodus 24).
- Elijah’s Journey: 40 days to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19).
- Jesus in the Wilderness: 40 days of fasting and testing (Matthew 4).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Forty symbolizes testing and preparation, culminating in revelation or deliverance through Christ.
These repetitions are profound when read in light of Christ’s fulfillment of all Scripture. Do any of these stand out as particularly interesting for exploration?
11. Three-Day Themes
- Abraham and Isaac: Abraham journeys for three days before the near-sacrifice (Genesis 22:4).
- Jonah in the Fish: Jonah spends three days in the belly of the great fish (Jonah 1:17).
- Jesus’ Resurrection: Jesus rises on the third day (Matthew 16:21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The three-day pattern points to death, burial, and resurrection, fulfilled in Christ.
12. Pairs of Deliverers
- Moses and Aaron: Lead Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 4:14).
- Joshua and Caleb: Faithful spies and leaders into the Promised Land (Numbers 14:6-9).
- Ezra and Nehemiah: Lead Israel in rebuilding Jerusalem and the temple (Ezra 7, Nehemiah 1).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These pairs symbolize Christ as both a deliverer and intercessor, fulfilling both roles perfectly.
13. God Calling Names Twice
- Abraham: “Abraham, Abraham” during the near-sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22:11).
- Jacob: “Jacob, Jacob” during his vision at Beersheba (Genesis 46:2).
- Moses: “Moses, Moses” at the burning bush (Exodus 3:4).
- Samuel: “Samuel, Samuel” as a child in the temple (1 Samuel 3:10).
- Jesus on the Cross: “My God, My God” (Matthew 27:46).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Repetition underscores urgency and divine purpose and to the spirit and flesh, pointing to Christ as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s call.
14. Pairs of Trees
- Tree of Life and Tree of 'Opinion' : In the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9).
- Calvary's Cross and New Jerusalem's Tree of Life: One for death of sin, one for life in Christ (Revelation 22:2). It was a 'great and terrible' day.
Sensus Plenior Insight: Trees always represent the cross.
15. Sibling Rivalry with Younger Favored
- Cain and Abel: God favors Abel’s offering (Genesis 4:4).
- Ishmael and Isaac: Isaac is the child of promise (Genesis 21:12).
- Esau and Jacob: Jacob receives the blessing (Genesis 27:29).
- Manasseh and Ephraim: Ephraim is blessed above Manasseh (Genesis 48:14).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The preference for the younger foreshadows Christ as the unexpected, humble Savior - second son theme.
16. Covenants with Signs
- Noah: A rainbow after the flood (Genesis 9:12-13).
- Abraham: Circumcision as the sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:10).
- Moses: Sabbath as a covenant sign (Exodus 31:13).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Each covenant and its sign points to Christ as the ultimate fulfillment and mediator of the new covenant.
17. Seven-Year Cycles
- Jacob’s Service: Seven years for Leah and seven for Rachel (Genesis 29:27).
- Famine and Plenty in Egypt: Seven years of plenty followed by seven of famine (Genesis 41:29-30).
- Sabbatical Year: Every seventh year is a rest year for the land (Leviticus 25:4).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These cycles reflect God’s rhythm of work and rest, fulfilled in Christ as the ultimate rest.
18. God Speaking from Mountains
- Mount Sinai: God gives the law to Moses (Exodus 19).
- Mount of Transfiguration: God declares Jesus as His Son (Matthew 17:5).
- Sermon on the Mount: Jesus teaches the kingdom's principles (Matthew 5–7).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Mountains symbolize divine revelation and point to Christ as the mediator of God’s Word.
19. Angelic Messages
- To Hagar: About Ishmael’s future (Genesis 16:7-12).
- To Mary: About Jesus’ birth (Luke 1:26-38).
- To Joseph: About protecting Jesus (Matthew 1:20, 2:13).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Angelic announcements highlight the unfolding of God’s plan through Christ.
20. Periods of Wilderness Testing
- Israel: Forty years in the wilderness (Numbers 14:33).
- Elijah: Flees to the wilderness (1 Kings 19:4).
- Jesus: Tested in the wilderness for forty days (Matthew 4:1).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Wilderness experiences refine and prepare God’s people, with Christ’s wilderness victory securing redemption.
21. Sacrifices and Substitutes
- Isaac and the Ram: A ram replaces Isaac (Genesis 22:13).
- Passover Lamb: Blood protects Israel’s firstborn (Exodus 12:13).
- Jesus as the Lamb: Christ is the ultimate sacrifice (John 1:29).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Substitutionary sacrifice points directly to Christ’s atoning work.
22. Plagues or Judgments in Patterns
- Ten Plagues in Egypt: Judgments on Egypt’s gods (Exodus 7–12).
- Seven Bowls of Wrath: Judgments during the end times (Revelation 16).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Both sets demonstrate God’s power over creation and His authority to judge, with Christ providing the way of escape.
23. Shepherds and Sheep
- Abel: A shepherd whose offering pleases God (Genesis 4:4).
- David: A shepherd chosen as king (1 Samuel 16:11).
- Jesus: The Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The shepherd theme points to Christ’s role as the ultimate Shepherd-King who cares for and redeems His flock.
24. God Appearing in Fire
- Burning Bush: God speaks to Moses (Exodus 3:2).
- Pillar of Fire: Leads Israel by night (Exodus 13:21).
- Pentecost: Tongues of fire signify the Holy Spirit’s arrival (Acts 2:3).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Fire represents God’s presence, purification, and guidance, fulfilled in Christ and His Spirit.
25. Visions of Heavenly Thrones
- Isaiah: Vision of God’s throne, “Holy, holy, holy” (Isaiah 6:1-4).
- Ezekiel: Vision of God’s glory and cherubim (Ezekiel 1).
- John: Vision of the heavenly throne in Revelation (Revelation 4).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These visions underscore God’s majesty, sovereignty, and the centrality of Christ’s authority.
26. Deliverance at Seas or Rivers
- Red Sea: Israel escapes Pharaoh’s army (Exodus 14).
- Jordan River: Israel enters the Promised Land (Joshua 3).
- Jesus Calms the Sea: Christ demonstrates power over nature (Mark 4:39).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Waters symbolize chaos, with deliverance foreshadowing Christ’s victory over sin and death.
27. Dreams with Divine Messages
- Joseph (Old Testament): Dreams of his rise to power (Genesis 37).
- Pharaoh’s Dreams: Interpreted by Joseph, predicting famine (Genesis 41).
- Joseph (New Testament): Angelic dreams guide Jesus’ earthly father (Matthew 1–2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Dreams highlight divine sovereignty and Christ as the ultimate interpreter and fulfillment of God’s plan.
28. Seasons of Exile and Return
- Israel in Egypt: Four hundred years before deliverance (Exodus 12:40).
- Babylonian Captivity: Seventy years before return (Jeremiah 25:11-12).
- Humanity’s Exile from Eden: Restored through Christ (Genesis 3, Revelation 21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Exile points to separation caused by sin, and return foreshadows reconciliation through Christ.
29. Ascensions
- Enoch: Walked with God and was taken (Genesis 5:24).
- Elijah: Taken to heaven in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:11).
- Jesus: Ascends to the Father after the resurrection (Acts 1:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Ascensions prefigure Christ’s ultimate ascension and His promise to bring believers into His presence.
30. Miracles with Multiples
- Water to Blood: Moses performs this sign (Exodus 7:20).
- Water to Wine: Jesus performs His first miracle (John 2:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Both miracles reflect transformation, culminating in Christ’s offering of His blood as the new covenant.
31. Cities Destroyed for Sin
- Sodom and Gomorrah: Destroyed for rampant sin (Genesis 19).
- Jericho: Destroyed under divine command (Joshua 6).
- Babylon: Prophesied fall in Revelation (Revelation 18).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These destructions symbolize judgment on sin, with salvation found only in Christ.
32. Heavenly Feasts
- Passover: Instituted during the Exodus (Exodus 12:14).
- Marriage Supper of the Lamb: Celebrated in heaven (Revelation 19:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Feasts symbolize fellowship with God, culminating in Christ’s eternal kingdom.
33. Twins or Double Blessings
- Esau and Jacob: Struggle in the womb (Genesis 25:22-26).
- Perez and Zerah: Unusual birth (Genesis 38:27-30).
- Elisha’s Double Portion: Receives twice Elijah’s spirit (2 Kings 2:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These pairs highlight inheritance and Christ as the firstborn who shares His blessings.
34. God’s Presence in Storms
- Job’s Encounter: God speaks from a whirlwind (Job 38:1).
- Jesus Calms the Storm: Demonstrates power over creation (Matthew 8:23-27).
- Paul in the Storm: Shipwreck avoided by God’s intervention (Acts 27).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Storms symbolize chaos, and God’s mastery reveals Christ’s lordship.
35. Repeated Numbers
- 7: Completion (Creation, Revelation’s sevens).
- 12: Redemption. The law says you must return all that was taken plus 20%.
- 40: The full word of God being accomplished through Christ as prophet, judge, priest and king..
Sensus Plenior Insight: Biblical numbers highlight aspects of Christ’s work and God’s plan.
36. Repeated Calls to Worship at Sacred Sites
- Bethel: Jacob sets up a pillar and worships (Genesis 28:18-22).
- Mount Sinai: Israel worships after receiving the law (Exodus 19).
- Mount Zion: Central to worship in Psalms (Psalm 48:1-2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These sites symbolize encounters with God, pointing to Christ as the ultimate meeting place between God and humanity.
37. Repeated Uses of Unlikely Heroes
- Gideon: A fearful man becomes a mighty deliverer (Judges 6:15).
- David: A shepherd boy defeats a giant (1 Samuel 17).
- Esther: An orphan saves her people (Esther 4:14).
Sensus Plenior Insight: God uses the weak to display His strength, ultimately fulfilled in Christ, who appeared humble but conquered sin and death.
38. Judgments via Natural Disasters
- Flood in Noah’s Time: Global judgment by water/word (Genesis 6–9).
- Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: Fire and brimstone/Spirit (Genesis 19).
- Earthquakes at Key Moments: At Christ’s death and resurrection (the world shaken by his intervention) (Matthew 27:51; Matthew 28:2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These events are highlights of God’s plan.
39. Revelations Through Dreams of Rulers
- Pharaoh: Dreams interpreted by Joseph (Genesis 41).
- Nebuchadnezzar: Dreams interpreted by Daniel (Daniel 2, 4).
- Pilate’s Wife: Warned in a dream about Jesus (Matthew 27:19).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These dreams reveal God’s sovereignty over nations and point to Christ as the ultimate King.
40. Significant Rivers
- Euphrates: Boundary of Eden (Genesis 2:14).
- Jordan: Site of miracles and baptisms (Joshua 3; Matthew 3:13-17).
- River of Life: Flowing from God’s throne in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 22:1).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Rivers symbolize the word of God (water), fulfilled in Christ as the Living Water/Word (John 4:14).
41. Pairs of Angelic Visitations
- Abraham: Angels announce Isaac’s birth (Genesis 18).
- Mary and Joseph: Angelic announcements of Jesus’ birth (Luke 1:26; Matthew 1:20).
- Women at the Tomb: Angels announce Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 24:4-5).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Angelic visitations emphasize divine intervention in Christ’s redemptive mission testified by two witnesses.
42. Repeated Promises of Land
- To Abraham: Land promised as an inheritance (Genesis 12:7).
- To Isaac: Reaffirmed by God (Genesis 26:3).
- To Jacob: Given in a vision at Bethel (Genesis 28:13).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These promises foreshadow the eternal inheritance of Christ of all the world. (Hebrews 11:10).
43. Pairs of Prophets with Similar Miracles
- Elijah and Elisha: Multiplying food, raising the dead (1 Kings 17:14; 2 Kings 4:34-35).
- Moses and Jesus: Providing bread (manna and feeding the 5,000) and deliverance (Exodus 16; John 6:11).
- Jesus and Paul: Healing the lame (John 5:8; Acts 14:10).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These parallels (2) emphasize Christ as the greater prophet who heals flesh and spirit.
44. Encounters at Wells
- Rebekah and Eliezer: A bride for Isaac is found (Genesis 24:11-15).
- Jacob and Rachel: Meet at a well (Genesis 29:9-10).
- Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: Offers living water (John 4:6-10).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Wells symbolize the grave of Christ. Check if the tomb is open or closed.
45. Rebuilding After Destruction
- Noah: Builds an altar after the flood (Genesis 8:20).
- Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuild Jerusalem and the temple (Ezra 3; Nehemiah 6).
- Jesus: Raises His body (the temple) after three days (John 2:19-21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Rebuilding points to the resurrection of and in Christ.
46. Blessings of the Younger Over the Older
- Isaac over Ishmael: Isaac is the child of promise (Genesis 21:12).
- Jacob over Esau: Jacob receives the blessing (Genesis 27:28-29).
- Joseph’s Sons: Ephraim blessed above Manasseh (Genesis 48:13-20).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These are the same theme as the second son.
47. Seven Lamps or Lights
- Tabernacle’s Lampstand: Provides light in the Holy Place (Exodus 25:31-37).
- Seven Churches: Represented as lampstands (Revelation 1:20).
- Christ’s Transfiguration: His face shines like the sun (Matthew 17:2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Light symbolizes God’s holiness with seven being complete; with Christ as the Light of the World with us as his 'lights'. (John 8:12).
48. Miraculous Feeding
- Manna in the Wilderness: Daily provision (Exodus 16:15).
- Feeding of 5,000 and 4,000: Multiplication of loaves and fish (Matthew 14:19; Matthew 15:37).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These miracles point to Christ as the Bread of Life who sustains His people, and tas the whole Word of God (fish). He feeds the flesh (5) and the spirit (4). (John 6:35).
49. Pairs of Witnesses
- Moses and Aaron: Testify to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:10).
- Joshua and Caleb: Witness the Promised Land’s goodness (Numbers 14:6-7).
- Two Witnesses in Revelation: Proclaim God’s truth (Revelation 11:3).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Two witnesses establish truth in flesh and spirit (Deuteronomy 19:15), pointing to Christ as the faithful witness.
50. Judgment by Fire
- Sodom and Gomorrah: Destroyed by fire from heaven (Genesis 19:24).
- Elijah’s Sacrifice: Fire consumes the offering on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:38).
- Final Judgment: Lake of fire for ultimate justice (Revelation 20:14-15).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Fire signifies God’s Spirit, culminating in Christ, who purifies and redeems His people through His sacrifice (Malachi 3:2-3). God destroys his enemies by making them his friends.
51. Famine Followed by Abundance
- Joseph in Egypt: Seven years of famine followed by restoration (Genesis 41).
- Naomi and Ruth: Famine in Bethlehem leads to redemption through Boaz (Ruth 1–4).
- Prophetic Famine of the Word: Followed by the abundance of Christ’s revelation (Amos 8:11-12; John 1:14).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Famine represents the lack of teaching (prior to the cross) followed by the explosion of doctrine after.
52. Repeated Stories of Deliverance Through Water
- Noah’s Ark: Saved through the flood (Genesis 6–9).
- Crossing the Red Sea: Deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 14:21-22).
- Crossing the Jordan: Entry into the Promised Land (Joshua 3:14-17).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Water symbolizes God’s Word (Ephesians 5:26) and salvation, culminating in baptism as a symbol of being 'taught again' by Christ (Romans 6:4).
53. Repeated Periods of 40
- Rain for 40 Days: During the flood (Genesis 7:12).
- Moses on Mount Sinai: Forty days receiving the law (Exodus 24:18).
- Jesus’ Temptation: Forty days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Forty symbolizes the full effect of the Word of God through prophet, judge, priest and king.
54. Symbolic Use of Vineyards
- Noah Plants a Vineyard: After the flood (Genesis 9:20).
- Parable of the Vineyard: Symbolizing Israel (Isaiah 5:1-7; Matthew 21:33-41).
- Christ as the True Vine: His followers bear fruit through Him (John 15:1-5).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The vineyard represents God’s grave; specifically in the wine.
55. Pairs of Angelic Guarding
- Eden’s Entrance: Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24).
- Ark of the Covenant: Cherubim on the mercy seat (Exodus 25:18-22).
- Jesus’ Tomb: Angels guard His resting place (John 20:12).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Angels symbolize God’s protection and presence through law and grace, fulfilled in Christ as the way to eternal life.
56. Repeated Themes of Divine Tests
- Abraham: Asked to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:1-2).
- Israel: Tested in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 8:2).
- Jesus: Tested by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These tests demonstrate faith and obedience, ultimately fulfilled in Christ’s perfect submission to the Father through the cross.
57. Triadic Repetition for Emphasis
- “Holy, Holy, Holy”: Declaring God’s holiness (Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8).
- Peter’s Denials and Restoration: Three denials followed by three affirmations (Luke 22:61; John 21:15-17).
- Jonah’s Three Days in the Fish: Mirroring Christ’s resurrection after three days (Jonah 1:17; Matthew 12:40).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Triads always map to the action or character of God in Trinity.
58. Repeated Use of Shepherd Imagery
- David: A shepherd chosen as king (1 Samuel 16:11).
- Psalm 23: The Lord as Shepherd.
- Christ: The Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Shepherd imagery points to Christ as 'pasture' (same word) the one whose body we eat.
59. Restoration of Sight
- Elisha’s Prayer: Opens his servant’s eyes to see God’s army (2 Kings 6:17).
- Healing of the Blind: Multiple miracles by Christ (Mark 8:22-25; John 9:1-7).
- Paul’s Conversion: Scales fall from his eyes (Acts 9:18).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Physical sight represents spiritual understanding of Christ's work. (John 9:39).
60. Thematic Feasts
- Passover: Commemorating deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 12:14).
- Feast of Tabernacles: Celebrating God’s provision (Leviticus 23:34-43).
- Marriage Supper of the Lamb: Ultimate celebration in Christ (Revelation 19:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Feasts symbolize and explosion of teaching fulfilled after the cross.
61. Revealing Names
- Abram to Abraham: Father of many nations (Genesis 17:5).
- Jacob to Israel: Struggled with God and prevailed (Genesis 32:28).
- Simon to Peter: The rock on which Christ builds (Matthew 16:18).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Name changes signify transformation and new identity through the cross, ultimately fulfilled in Christ, who gives His followers a new name/reputation (Revelation 2:17).
62. Blessings to Younger Siblings Over Older
- Jacob and Esau: Jacob receives the blessing (Genesis 27).
- Ephraim and Manasseh: Ephraim blessed over Manasseh (Genesis 48:14-19).
- David and His Brothers: David chosen over older brothers (1 Samuel 16:10-13).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The pattern reflects God’s the same second son theme as elsewhere.
63. Miracles Performed with Staffs
- Moses’ Staff: Turns into a serpent, parts the Red Sea, brings water from a rock (Exodus 7–17).
- Aaron’s Rod: Buds to demonstrate God’s chosen leader (Numbers 17:8).
- Elisha’s Staff: Used in the resurrection of a child (2 Kings 4:29-35).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The staff represents God's power wielded by the flesh; Christ's incarnation.
64. Heavenly Visions
- Jacob’s Ladder: Angels ascending and descending (Genesis 28:12).
- Isaiah’s Vision: God seated on His throne (Isaiah 6:1-4).
- John’s Revelation: Christ revealed in glory (Revelation 1:12-18).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Heavenly visions are prophecies of Christ.
65. People Who Sleep Before Great Revelations
- Adam: Sleeps while God creates Eve (Genesis 2:21-22).
- Abraham: Deep sleep during God’s covenant (Genesis 15:12-17).
- Peter, James, and John: Sleep before Christ’s transfiguration (Luke 9:32).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Sleep is a symbol of death and the cross.
66. Repeated Questions of God
- “Where Are You?”: Asked of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:9).
- “What Is in Your Hand?”: Asked of Moses (Exodus 4:2).
- “Who Do You Say I Am?”: Asked by Christ (Matthew 16:15).
Sensus Plenior Insight: God’s questions draw attention to spiritual truths, leading to revelation fulfilled in Christ.
67. Visions of Trees
- Tree of Life: In Eden and the New Jerusalem (Genesis 2:9; Revelation 22:2).
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: A great tree cut down (Daniel 4:10-26).
- Christ as the Branch: Symbolic of restoration (Isaiah 11:1).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Trees symbolize the cross, culminating in Christ as the source of eternal life.
68. Journeys of Return
- Jacob: Returns to the Promised Land after years in Haran (Genesis 31:3).
- Israelites: Return from Babylonian exile (Ezra 1).
- Prodigal Son: Returns to the Father’s house (Luke 15:11-32).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Returning signifies repentance and restoration through the cross, fulfilled in Christ’s reconciliation of humanity to God.
69. Repeated Themes of Walking on Water
- Moses and the Red Sea: Israelites walk on dry ground through water (Exodus 14:22).
- Peter and Jesus: Walk on water (Matthew 14:25-29).
- Revelation’s Crystal Sea: Represents peace and God’s presence (Revelation 4:6).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Walking on water signifies life as the firmament reconciling judgement and mercy.
70. Warnings Through Dreams
- Joseph (Old Testament): Warned to prepare for famine (Genesis 41:25-32).
- Joseph (New Testament): Warned to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus (Matthew 2:13).
- Pilate’s Wife: Warned about Jesus in a dream (Matthew 27:19).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Dreams teach of the cross through warnings in the literal history, fulfilled in Christ as God’s ultimate revelation.
71. Triumphal Entries
- David: Returns to Jerusalem after Absalom’s rebellion (2 Samuel 19:14-15).
- Zerubbabel: Leads the return to rebuild the temple (Ezra 2:1-2).
- Jesus: Enters Jerusalem on a donkey (Matthew 21:1-11).
Sensus Plenior Insight:
72. Repeated Use of Stones
- Jacob’s Pillar: Marks a covenant with God (Genesis 28:18).
- Twelve Stones at Jordan: Memorialize crossing into the Promised Land (Joshua 4:9).
- Christ the Cornerstone: The foundation of faith (1 Peter 2:6).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Stones the Father and Son together aben. Christ's purpose is to make the Father knםwn.
73. Feeding Miracles
- Manna in the Wilderness: God provides for Israel (Exodus 16:14-35).
- Elijah and the Widow: Flour and oil don’t run out (1 Kings 17:15-16).
- Feeding the Multitudes: Christ feeds thousands (Matthew 14:13-21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Feeding miracles point to God’s provision by the cross (bread) and by every word. (John 6:35).
74. Sealed Covenants
- Noah: Rainbow as a sign of God’s covenant (Genesis 9:13).
- Abraham: Circumcision as a covenant sign (Genesis 17:10-11).
- New Covenant: Sealed with the blood of Christ (Luke 22:20).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Covenants emphasize God’s promises, culminating in the eternal covenant fulfilled in Christ.
75. Encounters at Wells
- Rebekah: Found at a well by Abraham’s servant (Genesis 24:15-20).
- Rachel: Jacob meets her at a well (Genesis 29:9-10).
- Samaritan Woman: Jesus speaks of living water (John 4:7-14).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Wells signify the grave of Christ, and the women are his bride (chosen, wooed and gathered).
76. Mountains as Sites of Revelation
- Mount Sinai: God gives the Law to Moses (Exodus 19:20).
- Mount Carmel: Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-40).
- Mount of Transfiguration: Christ’s glory revealed (Matthew 17:1-8).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Mountains symbolize divine revelation, fulfilled in Christ as the ultimate revelation of God.
77. Pairs of Angelic Visitations
- To Hagar: Angel directs her to return (Genesis 16:7-11) and reassures her about Ishmael (Genesis 21:17-19).
- To Mary and Joseph: Angel announces Jesus’ birth to Mary (Luke 1:26-38) and later reassures Joseph (Matthew 1:20-21).
- At the Resurrection: Two angels announce Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:12).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Anything concerning life and death is certified by two.
78. Judgments by Fire
- Sodom and Gomorrah: Destroyed by fire from heaven (Genesis 19:24).
- Nadab and Abihu: Consumed for offering unauthorized fire (Leviticus 10:1-2).
- Mount Carmel: Fire consumes Elijah’s sacrifice (1 Kings 18:38).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Fire represents judgment and purification (by the Spirit), fulfilled in Christ’s atoning sacrifice.
79. The Number Seven in Completion
- Creation: Completed in seven days (Genesis 2:2-3).
- Jericho’s Fall: Seven priests, seven trumpets, seven days (Joshua 6:4).
- Revelation: Seven seals, trumpets, and bowls (Revelation 5–16).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Seven signifies divine completion, pointing to Christ’s finished work.
80. Instances of Three Days
- Joseph’s Brothers in Prison: Held for three days (Genesis 42:17).
- Jonah in the Fish: Spends three days and nights (Jonah 1:17).
- Jesus in the Tomb: Resurrected on the third day (Luke 24:46).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Three days symbolize the cross completing the requirements of each person of the Godhead, fulfilled in Christ’s victory over death.
81. Water Miracles
- Parting the Red Sea: Israelites escape Egypt (Exodus 14:21).
- Crossing the Jordan: Israelites enter the Promised Land (Joshua 3:14-17).
- Jesus Calms the Storm: Demonstrates authority over nature (Mark 4:39).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Water miracles reflect the two parts of the Word (law and grace) being reconciled at the cross..
82. Righteousness Amidst Wickedness
- Noah: Righteous man in a corrupt world (Genesis 6:9).
- Lot: Righteous in Sodom (2 Peter 2:7).
- Daniel: Faithful in Babylon (Daniel 6:4-5).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Righteousness amidst wickedness points to Christ as the ultimate righteous one.
83. Miraculous Multiplication
- Elijah and the Widow: Flour and oil multiply (1 Kings 17:14-16).
- Elisha and Loaves: Feeds a hundred with twenty loaves (2 Kings 4:42-44).
- Jesus Feeds the Multitudes: Bread and fish multiplied (Matthew 14:13-21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Multiplication signifies Christ and his bride being fruitful and multiplying.
84. Forty as a Period of Presenting the whole Word
- The Flood: Rain for forty days and nights (Genesis 7:12).
- Israel in the Wilderness: Wander for forty years (Numbers 14:33-34).
- Jesus in the Desert: Fasted for forty days (Matthew 4:2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Forty represents Christ (10) fulfilling the whole word in four voices.
85. Divinely Ordained Delays
- Abraham and Isaac: Waited decades for Isaac (Genesis 21:5).
- Israel in Egypt: Delayed 400 years before deliverance (Exodus 12:40-41).
- Christ’s Return: Fulfillment delayed but certain (2 Peter 3:9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Delays emphasize that Christ comes quickly after the world waited a long time.
86. Pairs of Feeding Prophecies
- Isaiah: “They will neither hunger nor thirst” (Isaiah 49:10).
- Ezekiel: Shepherd feeds the sheep (Ezekiel 34:15).
- Jesus: “I am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Feeding prophecies highlight God’s teaching: 'born again' = 'taught again'.
87. Divinely Granted Wisdom
- Joseph: Given wisdom to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams (Genesis 41:39).
- Solomon: Asked for and received wisdom (1 Kings 3:12).
- Daniel: Given wisdom to interpret dreams (Daniel 1:17, 2:21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Divine wisdom foreshadows the wisdom of God given to interpret his 'mystery' through Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:24).
88. Songs of Deliverance
- Miriam’s Song: After crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20-21).
- Deborah’s Song: After victory over Sisera (Judges 5).
- Mary’s Song (Magnificat): Praising God’s salvation through Christ (Luke 1:46-55).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Songs of deliverance reveal God’s salvation, fulfilled in Christ’s victory.
89. Symbolic Staffs
- Moses’ Staff: Turns into a serpent, parts the sea (Exodus 4:3, 14:16).
- Aaron’s Staff: Buds and signifies divine authority (Numbers 17:8).
- Shepherd’s Staff: Used by David, representing care (Psalm 23:4).
Sensus Plenior Insight: The staff represents divine authority, fulfilled in Christ, the Good Shepherd.
90. Pairs of Resurrection Accounts
- Elijah and the Widow’s Son: Brought back to life (1 Kings 17:22).
- Elisha and the Shunammite’s Son: Revived through prayer (2 Kings 4:34-35).
- Jesus Raises Lazarus: Demonstrates His power over death (John 11:43-44).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Physical resurrections foreshadow Christ’s resurrection and eternal life.
91. Fire as Divine Presence
- Burning Bush: God appears to Moses (Exodus 3:2).
- Pillar of Fire: Leads Israel by night (Exodus 13:21).
- Tongues of Fire: Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:3).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Fire signifies God’s presence, fulfilled in the Holy Spirit.
92. Miraculous Healings Involving Water
- Naaman: Healed in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10-14).
- Pool of Bethesda: Healing of the paralyzed man (John 5:2-9).
- Pool of Siloam: Blind man healed by washing (John 9:6-7).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Water symbolizes cleansing and new life by his word,.
93. Divine Feasts and Meals
- Passover: Deliverance through the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:14).
- Manna in the Wilderness: Daily provision from God (Exodus 16:35).
- The Lord’s Supper: Christ as the true Passover Lamb (Luke 22:19-20).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Meals symbolize teaching of Christ’s sacrifice.
94. Forty Days of Spiritual Significance
- Moses on Sinai: Forty days with God (Exodus 34:28).
- Elijah’s Journey: Strengthened for forty days (1 Kings 19:8).
- Jesus’ Temptation: Fasted forty days (Matthew 4:2).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Forty-day : Christ proclaims as the four voices.
95. Enemies Defeated with Unconventional Tactics
- Gideon: Defeats Midianites with torches and trumpets (Judges 7:20-22).
- David and Goliath: Wins with a sling and stone (1 Samuel 17:49).
- Jehoshaphat’s Army: Wins by praising God (2 Chronicles 20:21-22).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Unconventional victories highlight divine power same as children born to desolate women.
96. God Writing with His Finger
- The Ten Commandments: Written by God on tablets (Exodus 31:18).
- Belshazzar’s Feast: Handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5:5).
- Jesus Writing in the Sand: Mercy instead of condemnation (John 8:6).
Sensus Plenior Insight: God’s writing symbolizes a small part of his Word/Works revealed.
97. Heavenly Visions of the Throne
- Isaiah’s Vision: Sees the Lord on His throne (Isaiah 6:1-4).
- Ezekiel’s Vision: Sees the glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 1:26-28).
- John’s Vision in Revelation: Sees Christ enthroned (Revelation 4:2-3).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Throne visions reveal God’s authority in the hearts of men.
98. Prophets with Miraculous Food Provisions
- Elijah: Fed by ravens (1 Kings 17:6).
- Elisha: Multiplies loaves for a hundred (2 Kings 4:42-44).
- Jesus: Feeds the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21).
Sensus Plenior Insight: These miracles point to Christ and the cross as the true Bread of Life.
99. Righteous Men Tested by Adversity
- Joseph: Sold into slavery and imprisoned (Genesis 39:20).
- Job: Tested with suffering (Job 1:12).
- Jesus: Endured suffering for salvation (Luke 22:42-44).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Trials of the righteous prefigure Christ’s tribulation.
100. Pairs of Divine Reversals
- Joseph: From prisoner to ruler (Genesis 41:40-41).
- Esther: From orphan to queen (Esther 2:17).
- Jesus: From death to resurrection (Philippians 2:8-9).
Sensus Plenior Insight: Divine reversals showcase 'first to last' and 'second son' themes.